

History různé odkazy k historii firmy "Librascope"
   Lewis Imm - 1937 to 1950,    May 1987 - Librascope celebrates 50 years (!!!)
May1942 "Libra-scope" Issue No. 1 May 1, 1942, Burbank, California
   "What can we do???" - Issue No. 2 - May 18, 1942
   Extra edition - Issue No. 3 - May 25, 1942
   "By the Dawns Rsarly Light" - Issue No. 4 - June 8, 1942
Jun1953 Digital, Analogue Computers Both Have Place
Nov1953 Lewis Imm Outlines Future of Company
   --- LI předkládá ...: řízení palby letadla, protiponorkové operace, protiletadlový systém
Jul1954 Our Digital Computers Contain Remarkable Memory System (magnetic drum)
Sep1954 New Building, History, Skills Needed to turn Out Products, Basic Comp-Components
Oct1954 Fire Control Problem Is Explained Simply
Nov1954 New IBM Calculator in Analysis, Flip-Flops Useful in High-Speed Computing
Apr1955 The U.S.S. Dealey (DE1006) antisubmarine vessel, electro-mechanical equipment
Nov1955 Librascope's Amazing New General Purpose Computer Put on Market (LGP 30)
   --- Librascope uvedla na trh úžasný nový počítač pro všeobecné použití 
Dec1955 LGP-30 Wins Wide Acclaim At Chicago Automation Show
   --- LGP 30 získává široké uznání na výstavě automatizace v Chicagu
Jan1956 Librascope Has Key Role In New GPE Enterprise (LGP-30, a Factor)
Feb1956 Royal McBee Executives View Plant Facilities (LGP-30)
   --- Librascope appears well qualified for its key role in the new venture. The Company's pioneer work in esigning and developing LGP-30, a fully automatic, desk-sized, general purpose computer, should prove to be valuable background experience.
May1956 MX-940 Simplifies Inflight Refueling
Jul1956 Royal Precision Plans LGP-30 Promotion, Payroll Computation by IBMs (foto)
Aug1956 First LGP-30 Programming School for Customers Held
   --- První pořádaná škola programování LGP-30 pro zákazníky
Nov1956 LGP-30 on Dec TV show, Burbank, Santa Ana Activity on Upswing (foto!!!)
   --- LGP-30 průběžně v čele komerčního prodeje a výroby, .. aktivity na vzestupu
Aug1957 LGP-30 to Compute Results of 1957 Librascope Golf Tournament
Oct1957 1958 Computer, Data Processor Plans Discussed (design changes in the LGP-30)
Dec1958 Company Developes Midget Airborne Digital Computer (ASN-24), 200th LGP-30, Precision Technology Looks to Space Age
   --- The potential of the ASN-24 is staggering. For example, it can be used as a basic building block in Air Force navigation systems, as a component in air traffic control systems, and as a missile guidance computer.
Apr1959 German Production LGP-30, Burbank Plant Bilds LGP-30 At Record Rate
Sep1959 Librascope Computer Is Centaur "Brain", ASN-24 is first one for aiborne use
   "Story of Librascope" - Western Electronics News magazine article
   ASN-24 - Airborne/Aerospace Computer Set,
   Navigation Computer Set - Air Force Magazine
Nov1959 Polaris Contract & Timetable (additional units of the analog computer GE, Lockheed)
   UGM-27 Polaris - Wikipedie
Apr1960 LGP-30 Now Second in Sales
   "... it is now second in numbers sold among all computers on the market. End 1959, 350 units had been shipped"
May1960 Librascope Hires 4,000th Employee & Produces 400th LGP-30
Jun1960 ASROC - newest and deadliest anti-submarine missile system
Sep1960 Librascope president Immm Resigns
May1961 Man-Made Communications: LGP-30 Now Writer (a Beatnik poet)
Jul1961 LGP-30 Stretches Dollars
Feb1962 Librascope's Role in Polaris
Jun1962 ASN-24: Good Thinks Come in Small Packages
Jan1963 New Leasing Plan for LGP--30 Users
Mar1963 ISG To Exhibits Computers - LGP-21
May1963 The General Precision LGP 21, LGP-21 Is Selling Well (page=4)