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identification division.
program-id. ED-A.             *> Elementary Data Items - pic X, 9, Z   
data division. 
working-storage section.
77  A pic x(7) value "Hi".
77  B pic 9(7) value 17.
77  C pic z(7) value 256.
77  D pic z(6)9 value 8234.
77  E pic zzz,zz9 value 1283.
procedure division.
    display "A=" A " ... X - non numeric, from the LEFT"
    display "B=" B " ... 9 - numeric, from the RIGHT, if = 0 then all zeros"
    display "C=" C " ... Z - numeric edited, if = 0 then all spaces"
    display "D=" D " ... numeric edited, if D = 0 then one zero"
    display "E=" E " ... numeric edited, fix comma for thousands"
    display " "
    display "......v......v......v......v......v"
    display A B C D E

    initialize A B C D E 
    display A B C D E

    stop run.
   INITIALIZE statement was new in ANSI-85
   before that it was necessary:
move space to A
move 0 to B C D E     


A=Hi      ... X - non numeric, from the LEFT
B=0000017 ... 9 - numeric, from the RIGHT, if = 0 then all zeros
C=    256 ... Z - numeric edited, if = 0 then all spaces
D=   8234 ... numeric edited, if D = 0 then one zero
E=  1,283 ... numeric edited, fix comma for thousands
Hi     0000017    256   8234  1,283
       0000000             0      0

ČeV - 6.5.2020