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identification division.
program-id. DATA-F.
    *> STDIN - file - screen
    *> *** the last line in STDIN must contain only *end 

environment division.
input-output section.
    select FIL assign "LS-FILE" line sequential.
data division.
file section.
fd  FIL.
1   REC-F pic x(80).
working-storage section.
77  F pic 9.
 88  INP-F value 0.
 88  END-F value 1.
procedure division.
    call "READ-STDIN"
    open input FIL
    set INP-F to true
    perform until END-F
        read FIL
            end set END-F to true
            not end display REC-F 
        end-read end-perform
    close FIL
    stop run.
program-id. READ-STDIN.
environment division.
input-output section.
    select FIL assign "LS-FILE" line sequential.
data division.
file section.
fd  FIL.
1   REC-F pic x(80).
working-storage section.
77  NUM-S pic 999.
77  REC-S pic x(80).
 88  INP-S value space.
 88  END-S value "*end".
procedure division.
    initialize NUM-S REC-S.
    open output FIL
    perform until END-S
        accept REC-S
        if not END-S
            write REC-F from REC-S 
            add 1 to NUM-S
        end-if end-perform
    close FIL
*>    display "NUM-S=" NUM-S
    exit program.
end program READ-STDIN.

end program DATA-F.

JDoodle - Online COBOL Compiler IDE ...
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program-id. READ-STDIN.
environment division.
input-output section.
    select FIL assign "LS-FILE" line sequential.
data division.
file section.
fd  FIL.
1   REC-F pic x(80).
working-storage section.
77  NUM-S pic 999.
77  REC-S pic x(80).
 88  INP-S value space.
 88  END-S value "*end".
procedure division.
    initialize NUM-S REC-S.
    open output FIL
    perform until END-S
        accept REC-S
        if not END-S
            write REC-F from REC-S 
            add 1 to NUM-S
        end-if end-perform
    close FIL
*>    display "NUM-S=" NUM-S
    exit program.
end program READ-STDIN.

JDoodle - Online COBOL Compiler IDE ... ( Ctrl+C,  open this link in new panel, Ctrl+V, Submit )

identification division.
program-id. LS-FILE.    *> STDIN - file - screen
    *> *** the last line in STDIN must contain only *end 

environment division.
input-output section.
    select FIL assign "LS-FILE" line sequential.
data division.
file section.
fd  FIL.
1   REC-F pic x(80).
working-storage section.
77  REC-I  pic x(80) value " ". 
77  F pic 9.
 88  INP-F value 0.
 88  END-F value 1.
procedure division.
    perform INP-PROC
    perform OUT-PROC
    stop run.
    write REC-F from REC-I.
    move REC-F to REC-I
    display REC-I.
    open output FIL
    perform until REC-I = "*end"
        accept REC-I
        perform INP-REC end-perform
    close FIL.
    open input FIL
    set INP-F to true
    perform until END-F
        read FIL
            end set END-F to true
            not end perform OUT-REC end-read end-perform
    close FIL.        


identification division.
program-id. CALL-N.
procedure division.
    display "main-prog"
    call "N1"
    display "return ok"
    stop run.
program-id. N1.
procedure division.
    display "N1"
    exit program.
end program N1.

end program CALL-N.